How to Customise and Export PATH variable inYour Machine onMac

1 min readOct 4, 2021

1, Open your terminal

2, create a bash file that will house the path to export using this command. “touch .bash_profile

NOTE: If the file exist already it wouldn’t recreate it. it will only open it. So there’s no cause for alarm even if the file already exist.

3. Open the file and add the path to be exported by entering this command “open -e .bash_profile” .This will open the file in txt editor.

4, Now add the path of your application in the opened txt editor. “export PATH=”$PATH:/Applications/Development/flutter/bin”

In the above code in 4, I’m adding flutter to be exported to the path variable.

5, Save on the opened text editor using command s.

6, Now save and commit this file in the terminal by running “source .bash_profile

7. Now the path have been exported to the path variable. You can come to this file anytime to add more path, modify, remove or Edit your variables. To reopen the file run “open -e .bash_profile

That’s all. SMILES!!




Software engineer. Majors in Java, AI, Frontend, DevOps & Cloud.